That’s a wrap on Seven Tyrant Theatre’s Judge Dee’s Chinatown Haunted House!
There were over 25 actors performing in the house and we had over 4000 visitors in the 2 weeks we were open!
Thanks to everyone who came out to see the show :)
That’s a wrap on Seven Tyrant Theatre’s Judge Dee’s Chinatown Haunted House!
There were over 25 actors performing in the house and we had over 4000 visitors in the 2 weeks we were open!
Thanks to everyone who came out to see the show :)
Halloween is just around the corner! If you’re looking for something to do this Halloween, I’ll be performing in Seven Tyrants Theatre’s Judge Dee’s Chinatown Haunted House!!
WHEN: October 21 – 31, 2015
WHERE: The Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden (578 Carrall St, Vancouver)
HOURS: Open 7 pm – 10 pm, entry every 2 minutes
PRICE: Adults: $14 | Students: $12 + GST and service fees
INFO: www.chinatownhauntedhouse.comNOTE: The Haunted House will be CLOSED Monday, October 26
WARNING: Not for young children or the faint of heart!
Click here to purchase tickets through Tickets Tonight :)
Tickets will be available at the door but I highly recommend buying them beforehand so you can avoid the box office wait and be in the haunted house sooner.
Hope to spook you all soon!
I can’t believe our journey in Thebes is over :( It’s a bitter sweet end to a fantastic run with an amazing group of talented actors. I’m so proud to have worked with all 25 of them! I’m going to miss everyone!
Special thanks to our director Brian Parkinson and to United Players for the incredible experience! I learned tonnes!
Nancy Caldwell Photography
“…under Brian Parkinson’s direction, the actors’ commitment keeps the evening impressively well focused. Playing Eurydice, MariaLuisa Alvarez brings a persuasive combination of intelligence, tenderness, and gravitas. I also particularly enjoyed the incisiveness of Mandana Namazi’s Foreign Minister Aglaea, and Rema Kibayi’s charismatic Prince Tydeus…I found Jordan Navratil’s Theseus showy but, in Act 2, the character’s breakdown cracked my heart open…Ultimately, Welcome to Thebes is worth seeing. It’s also a madly ambitious project: this production has a racially diverse cast of 26. Under the artistic direction of Andrée Karas, ambition has long been a hallmark of United Players…” [Full Review]
– Colin Thomas, Georgia Straight
“…there are some excellent performances in this production, notably elegant MariaLuisa Alvarez as a gracious, dignified Eurydice …Jordan Navratil is outstanding as the arrogant, demanding Theseus…Marion Landers is a passionate Pargeia, in cahoots with rebel leader Tydeus, enthusiastically portrayed by Rema Kibayi…Mandana Namazi is a sparky little Aglaea and Morgan Churla does a fine job of Talthybia’s kid-glove, bending-over-backward’s handling of Theseus.” [Full Review]
– Jo Ledingham, Vancouver Courier
Wow, time sure does fly! I can’t believe there’s only 1 week left in Thebes!! We’ve been receiving a lot of great feedback from audiences and the show was sold out most of this week!
Below are the links to the reviews we’ve received to entice you to come see this awesome show before it’s too late!!
United Players Welcome to Thebes – Review Vancouver (Elizabeth Paterson)
Welcome to Thebes reworks classical Greek stories into modern look at militarism and use of child soldiers – Georgia Straight (Colin Thomas)
Welcome to Thebes – Vancouver – OutTV (David Jones)
Welcome to Thebes – Vancouver Courier (Jo Ledingham)
Welcome to Thebes – Nancy Caldwell Photography
by Moira Buffini
Director: Brian Parkinson
Thebes: an impoverished population, a shattered infrastructure, a volatile army, and ruled by a woman, the first democratic president. Eurydice promises peace but without the aid of Theseus, the leader of a vastly wealthy state, she doesn’t stand a chance. A swaggering opposition circles, impatient for insurrection. Inspired by ancient myth, but set in the present day. A passionate exploration of a clash between the world’s richest and the world’s poorest countries in the aftermath of a brutal war.
March 27 – April 19
Thu – Sun at 8pm
Preview: March 26
Opening: March 27
Talkback: April 2
Matinées: April 5 & 19 at 2pm (no evening performance)
WARNING: Coarse language
For Tickets: Click Here!
I’m thrilled to announce that I will be performing as Eunomia in United Players of Vancouver’s production of “Welcome to Thebes” at the Jericho Arts Centre!!
Rosemary F. Manso, Soloman Irama and Broadus Mattison in “Welcome to Thebes”
by Moira Buffini
Director: Brian Parkinson
Thebes: an impoverished population, a shattered infrastructure, a volatile army, and ruled by a woman, the first democratic president. Eurydice promises peace but without the aid of Theseus, the leader of a vastly wealthy state, she doesn’t stand a chance. A swaggering opposition circles, impatient for insurrection. Inspired by ancient myth, but set in the present day. A passionate exploration of a clash between the world’s richest and the world’s poorest countries in the aftermath of a brutal war.
March 27 – April 19
Thu – Sun at 8pm
Preview: March 26
Opening: March 27
Talkback: April 2
Matinées: April 5 & 19 at 2pm (no evening performance)
WARNING: Coarse language
For Tickets: Click Here!